Earlier this week we featured our exclusive promotional mint tins and all of the other different shaped mint tins that are available. Some of our staff members are into recycling, up-cycling and crafts and shows us the really great projects that can be made with the empty mint tins once your clients are done with it. If your company likes to promote recycling or crafting, sharing these ideas along with the mint tins as a promotional gift is a great added value bonus to offer clients and customers.

The heart shaped mint tins are so cute and one of the best for crafting. Once they are empty, melt votive candles into them and place the wick. You have a cute decorative candle.

GoPromotional - Round Mint Tin Candle

You can also make a travel size emergency candle set with matches using the larger rectangle size mint tin containers.


GoPromotional - Rectangular Mint Tin Candle

The mint tins can be decorated in any design and then used as a business card holder that is sure to strike up a conversation when meeting new business contacts and networking. Even though these images show some pretty feminine designs, masculine designs are easy to achieve as well.

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Business Card Holders

In addition to making a portable business car holder, the mint tins can be decorated to sit on your desk and hold all of your business card contacts.

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Business Card Holder

Everyone is always in need of a little additional help with organisation. Repurposing mint tins with labels for office supplies is a great way to keep all of those tiny office products from getting out of control.

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Organizers

If you are short on ideas of what might be able to be done with the mint tins, check out these great, creative ways to make something new out of old mint tins.

Children’s Toys:

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Childrens Toy

An adorable brag box with photos of loved ones cut to just the right size:

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Photo Boxes

Beautiful Victorian Keepsake boxes:

GoPromotional - Mint Tin Keepsake Boxes

A travel size makeup container for the ladies:

GoPromotional - Mint Tins Makeup Kits

Photo Credits: Pinterest