Putting Pen to Paper; a Powerful Tool

Are you an entrepreneur with a million thoughts running through your mind at all times? In that case, you know how hard it can be to keep up with your daily responsibilities. Luckily, writing things down can help you tremendously in your journey to success. Let’s take a look at why putting pen to paper is such a powerful tool:


1. Writing Things Down Will Occupy Your Full Attention

If you’re a writer or an entrepreneur, you likely have plenty of scraps of paper with random thoughts jotted down. But have you ever wondered why you grab the nearest piece of paper when inspiration strikes? After all, your phone is probably near you at all times, yet you rarely reach for it to write down an idea.

Writing things down is the most effective way to develop a certain idea. Unlike writing on a phone or a laptop, a notebook is distraction-free. It’s just you, the paper, and your idea. Therefore, it’s much easier to have your attention focused fully on writing down and developing your idea. Simply keep a small notebook and a pen near you so you can be prepared no matter where your information strikes.


2. Writing on Paper Will Keep You Focused

If you are a busy, career-driven person, you know how difficult it is to remember all of your responsibilities. The best way to remember which tasks you need to complete in a given day is to keep a daily to-do list. And, although you can type out a quick to-do list on your phone, we all know how much better it feels to have a physical planner.

By writing out your responsibilities in a daily planner, you are making an obligation to yourself. Additionally, unlike a phone note, there is no way to quickly delete a physical to-do list. Therefore, you’ll be much more likely to stay focused on your tasks and improve your productivity. After all, you don’t want to look back at your notes and have a reminder of the responsibilities you ignored.

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3. Writing Improves Your Memory

In today’s busy world, it’s quite easy to become forgetful. However, if people depend on you, it’s important not to forget certain things, such as meetings and jobs you need to complete. The best way to memorise the important things is to write them down in a notebook.

Writing things down, pen on paper, helps you remember in two ways. Firstly, you’ll have a note to look at frequently. Put the paper in an area you visit often, so you’ll be reminded of your responsibilities whenever you walk by. Secondly, the act of writing itself improves your ability to memorise. Research shows that students who take notes by hand recall the information more easily than those who type it on a computer.


4. Writing Can Help You Clear Your Mind

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, writing about your concerns can be of great benefit. For example, you can create a mind map or a table to help you organise your thoughts. Having too much on your mind can only bring you stress and an inability to focus properly.

If you want to achieve your goals, you need a clear mind. For instance, a study on the difference between goal-setting between men and women provides interesting information. It shows that both men and women who write their goals in vivid detail are 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to achieve them than those who don’t.


In Conclusion

Are you interested in seeing how putting pen to paper can benefit you? If you want to try writing your goals or a to-do list down, it’s important to invest in high-quality notebooks or notepads. A small notebook with your brand name on it will certainly boost your productivity. Moreover, you’ll always have your logo as a reminder of the goals you want to achieve.

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If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of the GoPromotional team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.