GoPromotional - Psychology Head - nctc.eduPsychology has a place in business. Whether the general public realizes it or not, the two go hand in hand. There is actually a study of business psychology, called industrial and organisational psychology, which is a field within psychology that focuses on business. A psychologist who becomes a specialist in industrial and/or organisational psychology can help businesses become efficient employers and ensure the best environment for their employees.

The realm of psychology in business encompasses how the office space and way that management treats employees affects their productivity. There are different styles of psychology and different schools of thought when it comes to psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. One such therapy that can be applied to business and training of employees is Logotherapy/Existential Analysis (LTEA), which is a school of thought developed by visionary psychiatrist and neurologist Vitor Frankl. In this school of thought in psychology, the search for a meaning in life is identified as the primary motivational force in human beings.

Finding the primary driving force in your employees and finding the underlying motivations of what makes them perform at the best is an excellent way to discover how to best motivate them. Other applications of I-O psychologists include training and human resource roles. Another perfect adaption for this type of psychology is to evaluate employees and make sure that they are in the best position based on their evaluations.