Branded Aprons - Are You Cleaning Them Right?

Are you a messy cook? Does your kitchen look like a battlefield every time you finish preparing your meal, with vegetable scraps on the floor and sauce dripping on the stove? Many of us have already reconciled with the fact that the kitchen walls have colourful and greasy stains bearing witness to all the dinners we cooked over the years. But what about our clothes?

The only way to avoid ruining your clothes every time you cook a meal is to wear an apron. Branded aprons are your best allies in the kitchen and in promoting your brand. But since they tend to get dirty fairly quickly, it would be best to wash them regularly. So, here’s everything you need to know about owning and caring for aprons.


Is It Okay to Wash Your Apron in the Washing Machine?

Yes, you can wash your aprons in the washing machine. However, it would be best to put them in a pillowcase or mesh bag first. That way, you will prevent the strings from entangling during the wash cycle.

Is There Any Other Way to Keep the Strings from Tangling Around Your Clothes?

If putting your apron in a pillowcase or laundry bag is not an option, there are other options you can try. One of them is tying the strings into a bow before putting the apron in your washing machine. Just make sure the strings are tightly bound, so they remain tied during the cycle.


Washing Your Apron: 7 Steps

Before turning your washing machine on, consider what kind of stuff you will put inside, along with your aprons. Washing them with towels and similar items is a good choice because stains, crumbs, and grease could leak from aprons and destroy your favourite clothes. When you decide to freshen up your aprons, make sure to go through these steps.

  1. Read the labels or instructions to check if manufacturers recommend machine washing. Depending on the material, you might have to wash your aprons by hand.
  2. Put your aprons in a laundry bag or a pillowcase to prevent the strings from tangling during the wash cycle.
  3. If you own white aprons, you can use bleach to remove the stains before washing. On the other hand, coloured aprons require stain removers. Leave them in warm water to soak for about thirty minutes. It is important not to skip this step, especially if you have food residue on your aprons.
  4. Wash your white aprons separately from the coloured ones like GoPromotional‘s Premier Aprons. Do you have only one apron? Put it with towels in the washing machine.
  5. Set the washing machine to a regular cycle. Opt for gentle detergent and cold water. In case your aprons are very dirty, you might need to choose a heavy cycle.
  6. Consider using some softener so your aprons wouldn’t get stiff. After adding fabric softener, press the start button.
  7. In the end, put your aprons in a dryer or hang them to air dry.


Is It Okay to Put Your Aprons in a Dryer?

In most cases, you can put aprons in a dryer. Just make sure to consult the care instructions first. Also, don’t forget to put them in a pillowcase or a mesh bag, so the ties don’t form a huge knot. If you own cotton aprons, it’s best to hang them to dry because cotton often shrinks in the dryer.


Tips on Washing White Aprons

Chef jackets and white aprons tend to show every spot and stain. To remove the blots, rub them with a mix of stain remover and hot water. You can also use a bleach-based stain remover for hardcore dirt and grease.

Allow for fifteen minutes to pass before rinsing. Repeat the process until you see the spots disappear, and then put your aprons in a washing machine.


Tips on Washing Black Aprons

Black aprons look elegant and might not display every little spot like white ones (see our Premier B&W Aprons which offer both colours). On the other hand, when they do stain, it’s more difficult to take it out. That is because you can wash them only in cold water on a regular cycle.

Are there flour stains on your black apron? Using a sponge, gently dab the area with a little bit of dishwashing detergent.


Hardcore Stains Giving You a Headache? Here’s How to Remove Them!

Imagine the following scenario. You just finished making dinner, and your apron is a mess. You should wash it right away so it wouldn’t stain, but you don’t have enough time or enough laundry to load a machine. Fortunately, there are fast and easy ways to remove food stains from aprons.

The following foods often leave stains. Use the tips below to remove them from your apron!

Grease Stains

Grease can spatter across your apron while you are mixing salad dressings, cooking bacon, or frying chicken. If that happens, simply brush the area with a toothbrush and a combination of baking soda and dish soap to remove greasy stains.

Tomato Sauce

Making pizza or spaghetti bolognese for dinner? Those tomato stains are such a pain!

To remove them from your apron, mix one tablespoon of dishwashing soap and two tablespoons of vinegar with some cold water in a dish. Soak the apron and let it sit for thirty minutes. This trick should work on ketchup too.


It’s not a proper barbecue without mustard! But the last thing you want is your favourite apron to have mustard stains the day after. To treat them, use a combination of mild detergent and water.

It would be best to pour the mix into a spray bottle and spray it over stains. However, you can also dab the liquid on the area.


Even a chef deserves a coffee break. So, of course, you want to sit down and relax for a couple of minutes while the meal is in the oven. But one wrong move can result in an ugly coffee stain over your brand new apron.

If that happens to you, you can spray the spot with a mixture of lukewarm water and white vinegar. Using a moist towel, wipe away the solution.


Want to surprise your family with a batch of homemade cookies? What a nice idea! Don’t be concerned if butter stains your apron.

Simply scrub the spot with a little dishwashing detergent and hot water. If the stain persists, try treating it with some stain remover. Repeat until the problem is resolved.


Branded chocolates are delicious, but they are also incredibly messy! If it gets on an apron, simply wash it with warm water and a spoonful of dishwashing detergent. If the stain doesn’t go away, apply a little laundry detergent to the affected area.


Spending a day in the kitchen prepping a delicious turkey dinner with some delicious gravy will make your apron look like a mess! To remove gravy stains, wipe the affected area with liquid dishwashing detergent and rinse with water. After that, you’ll probably need to apply a stain remover to eliminate the greasy spots.

Berry Juice

Berry juice stains are extremely difficult to remove! It would help if you treated them immediately with a combination of white vinegar and dishwashing soap. Dab it into the affected area and allow it to sit for about twenty minutes. After that, rinse with hot water and repeat the process many times until the stain disappears.

Red Wine

Nobody can blame you for enjoying a glass of red while preparing your food! If you spill any on yourself, soak the apron in baking soda for approximately twenty minutes to remove the stain. Wipe the soda away with a moist towel and allow the apron to dry.

Soy Sauce

When it comes to removing soy sauce from textiles, cold water is the solution. Allow it to run over the affected spot until the stain disappears. You should avoid using soap since it can worsen the situation.

Peanut Butter

If you have kids, peanut butter spread is probably on the menu every single day. Even adults like to enjoy it in different meals! But that means peanut butter can easily end up on your special apron.

To begin removing the stain, use a paper towel to remove the clump. After that, immerse the apron in warm water mixed with a mild detergent. If necessary, use a stain remover.


Smelly Apron? Deal With Bad Smells in a Few Simple Steps

Did you put on an apron when making garlic spaghetti or a yummy onion omelette? While the garlic and onion smell delicious in your meals, they become unpleasant when they seep into your apron. Thankfully, there’s a way to remove such odours from the fabric. Just follow these steps!

  1. Put some white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and sprinkle the apron with the mix.
  2. Allow the solution to soak in for about fifteen minutes.
  3. Douse in lukewarm water mixed with a little lemon juice and salt.
  4. Let it soak for twenty minutes.
  5. Wash the apron in the washing machine as usual.
  6. If possible, hang your apron outside in the sun to dry.

Fabrics usually accumulate scents over time. So, reduce future odours by washing your aprons on a regular basis.


When Should You Wash Your Aprons?

Do you use an apron while making meals at home? Toss it in the washing machine after each use, or at least after two usages. If you are a professional chef, wash your apron after each shift.


When’s the Right Time to Change Aprons?

Generally speaking, you can use an apron several times before washing it. But that’s usually not the most hygienic decision. Make a point of changing an apron after:

  • Working with raw meat
  • Going to the toilet
  • Staining it
  • Eating
  • Taking the garbage out
  • Going outside for a break
  • Being exposed to secondhand smoke
  • Touching unsanitary surfaces
  • Wetting the apron

Not being careful about sanitation can put you in danger of foodborne illness. So, make sure to wash your hands regularly and replace aprons if they get compromised.


8 Reasons You Should Put on an Apron Whenever You Deal With Food

Your clothing has most likely been in touch with various bacteria and detritus during the day. Because of that, it is not clean enough to come in contact with your food. Luckily, putting an apron over your clothes solves the problem. Take a look at eight reasons why you should use an apron every time you cook.

Keeping Your Clothes Clean

You probably don’t want to ruin your branded clothes every time you make a meal. But no matter how careful you are, there’s a high chance a few drops of sauce will find their way to you. So, to save your clothes, put on an apron before you begin cooking.

Looking Stylish

Cooking photos are popular on Instagram. But you’ll receive a lot of “likes” and appear like an expert cook if you put on a fashionable apron.

Keeping Up the Hygiene

Hygiene is one of the most important things when it comes to cooking. An apron keeps your unclean clothes away from the meals, which is vital for avoiding cross-contamination.

Being Practical

It is much more practical to store your cooking utensils, such as spatulas and tongs, in a pocket. Also, if you plan on baking a lot, you can put your oven mitts there too.

Having a Wearable Dish Towel

A lot is going on in the kitchen, so you probably don’t have the time to look for a dishcloth whenever your hands get wet. But when in a hurry, your apron can act as a portable dish towel.

Keeping You Safe

Some spatter may fly out when you’re standing next to a dish on the stove. Your apron will absorb the heat and keep you from being burnt.

Inspiring You to Try Something New

Having an apron on helps you not think about the stains and the mess. That allows you to concentrate more on preparing a good meal.

Creating Memories

Remember how you and your mum used to bake cookies together? Perhaps she even let you wear her apron? Having an apron of your own helps you and your family create beautiful memories.

Related content:
Printed Aprons – The Perfect Way to Spread Your Brand Image

Final Thoughts

Even if you are not a professional cook, wearing a nice apron will make you feel like one. You can buy a holiday-themed apron or one with a witty remark written on it. Just don’t forget to wash them on a regular basis!

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Looking for something different? Browse our full range of promotional hospitality wear and if for any reason you still can’t find what you are looking for, then simply give us a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. You may also wish to consider complementing your order of aprons with some custom utensils or some logo serving trays which are sure to be well received by customers and employees alike!