Printed Aprons - The Perfect Way to Spread Your Brand Image

Aprons are often associated with specific types of jobs. For instance, some professionals that require an apron include:

  • Baristas
  • Artists
  • Bakers and chefs
  • Florists
  • Chemical factory workers
  • Physicians and other healthcare specialists
  • Gardeners
  • Salon and spa employees
  • Housekeepers and maids
  • Hairdressers
  • Mechanics and repairmen.

That’s quite the sizable market for anyone who’s willing to sell aprons. And it’s a perfect opportunity to do a bit of brand advertising.

In this article, we will go over the benefits of using printed aprons as branded merch and why they’re an excellent idea to consider. Furthermore, we’ll cover some of the more popular apron styles and how we can advertise our brand using them.


Why Custom Uniforms and Workwear Matter

Let’s consider the benefits of advertising by using a trade show as an example. Normally, when we want to attend a trade show, we want to show the visitors just how vibrant and professional our brand is. One of the best ways to achieve that is brand unity through visual cues. What does that include? Well, here are a few examples:

  • The company logo printed across the panel
  • Both the company logo and the slogan printed across the promotional posters and additional material
  • Employees wearing clothes that feature either the logo or the company colours, or both
  • Branded mugs, printed pens, custom planners, personalised calendars, logo lighters, etc. with the company logo and slogan
  • A screen showing company-related media in the background.

There’s a clear pattern going on here: in order for the customers to remember our brand, we need to keep the visual look of our brand consistent. So, if we happen to own a chain of pubs or specialise in gardening services, we will want our employees to advertise our trade by wearing branded aprons at trade shows. Furthermore, if we have loyal customers, providing branded aprons as gifts will benefit us.


Benefits of Printed Aprons

First and foremost, an apron provides a level of protection, be it from dirt or even dangerous chemicals. By wearing an apron, we can prevent any spills while we handle different substances.

Next, there’s professional advancement. Employees who wear the same outfit will build closer working relationships with one another, and team-building will be high. Furthermore, the matching aprons will let any client know that we’re professional and that we have the right tools for the job.

Branding is definitely high on the list here, and by wearing an apron with our logo on it, the employees will be spreading the brand’s image to anyone who spots them. It’s also the perfect method of advertising. The more people associate these aprons with our business, the more they seek us out.

Finally, there’s the question of cost-effectiveness, creativity, and employee rewards. Instead of wearing full-on uniforms, our employees can wear whatever they please underneath the apron. Not only does it give them a lot of freedom clothing-wise, but it also saves us money on matching uniforms. Also, we can afford to give them away to our workers free of charge, as they can use them both at work and at home.


Different Apron Styles

Aprons come in different styles, depending on their length, design, and general purpose. Here are some of the most common ones that we can look into while considering branded merchandising.

Full-Length Aprons

As their name suggests, these aprons cover the entirety of our torso, from chest to thighs. They usually come with two big front pockets such as our Premier Aprons with Pockets. All three are spacious enough to hold anything from tools to utensils.

Some specific subtypes include bib aprons, cross-back aprons, and pinafores.

Bib Aprons

A bib apron such as our Dannys Cotton Bib White Apron works a little bit like a baby’s bib, hence the name. It ties around the back of the waist and has a loose neck loop, making it incredibly easy to put on and remove. Its pockets are usually somewhat shallow. The ones with deeper pockets are called shop aprons and are suited for mechanics and other professionals working with tools.

Cross-Back Aprons

Cross-back aprons don’t have a neck loop. Instead, the apron straps go over the wearer’s shoulders and match up at the waist, crossed one over the other. Sometimes they go through metal hoops and we tie them at the back of our waist. Other times the straps are simply a part of the apron at both ends and all we have to do is slip them on, as if we were putting on a shirt.

Pinafore Aprons

Pinafores, also known as smock aprons or Japanese aprons, look a little bit like loose dresses. They normally cover everything from our chest to below the knees, making them some of the longest on the market. They also use shoulder straps instead of neck loops, and though they can be cross-backed, quite a few of them aren’t.

Waist Aprons

Waist aprons such as our Premier Zipped Pockets Short Aprons are much shorter and more compact than full-length ones. They tend to cover only the crotch area, reaching a little below the thighs in length. Lots of modern-day waiters and waitresses actually wear them, since they are incredibly versatile. An average waist apron comes with several compartments where a waiter can store order pads, pens, tablets, and phones. Some even feature utility pouches for convenient storage.

Bistro Aprons

Bistro aprons are essentially waist aprons, but with a lot more coverage. A typical bistro apron such as our Premier Long Bar Apron will usually go down to our ankles, completely protecting our legs. And just like any other waist apron, these items have utility pouches and deep pockets, suitable for different tools and items.

Split Aprons

A split apron can be of any length, both waist and full-body. The main feature of these aprons is the fact that they are split at the bottom. Sometimes they have individual ‘trouser legs’, other times they simply have loose, overlapping pieces of cloth.

The key takeaway of split aprons is that they allow the wearer to move more freely. Such mobility is useful for trades like pottery and ceramics.


Tips and Tricks on Printed Aprons

Obviously, as brand owners, we will want to have our company logo emblazoned onto the front of the apron. After all, that’s the most prominent area and it will be the first thing anyone sees on the apron. However, as useful as that marketing strategy is, there are still a few more we can take into account:

  • Use the aprons at our business, but also provide similar aprons for sale to any interested client
  • During special events and giveaways, have a limited edition apron with slightly different colours and an event-appropriate design
  • Provide online influencers and YouTubers with the apron (if they happen to work in the same industry as you)
  • Advertise the apron as a multipurpose tool (i.e., for storage, protection, cleaning, and wiping the workbench)
  • Expand the business with multiple different apron types
  • Choose the materials wisely and print the logos based on the material of the apron
  • If possible, go with embroidery rather than print for a vintage look.


Printed Apron Brand Advertising: A Summary

Yes, aprons are a versatile tool for brand recognition. So, if we aim to expand our influence, we should definitely consider a line of custom-printed aprons, for the employees and the clients alike.

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If you have any more questions about custom printed aprons, you can contact GoPromotional. You may call us at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. We have been in the business for years and know the ins and outs of the industry better than anyone. Give us a call, and let’s talk about all things aprons!