GoPromotional - Facebook Logo Square TransparentFacebook is a great way to get social and connect with your customers on a more personal level. Here are 5 tactics to use to be creatively social with your Facebook fans.

  • Highlight your customers in a spotlight feature. Your customers and other fans like to see that they are acknowledged and appreciated.
  • Set up a Facebook group. It may take a bit of extra moderation and attention, but if you already have a social media manager devoting their time to social endeavors for your company, having a Facebook group dedicated to a hobby associated with your product or service, or your community in general is a great way to get to know your customers on a social level.
  • Post personal video updates. Have a weekly or monthly video feature about your company that highlights a particular product, employee, or customer.
  • Share Humanizing Stories. Show how your company treats employees, some behind the scenes information, or stories about the staff or reviews from customers and how your company’s products or services have helped them.
  • Not all posts should be about your company. Post fun related memes (as long as they are appropriate). Share community information, weather alerts, or other bits of information that your target audience would find useful.

If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of the GoPromotional team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.