Why Are Personalised Notebooks Our Favorite?
In our day and age, writing using pen and paper is becoming less popular with each passing year. Instead, online task management systems seem to offer a more flexible solution to organising work and taking notes. In fact, everything we do is slowly becoming automated, as we try to simplify things more and more.

However, some people still rely on their good old printed notebook for most, if not all, of their office tasks. From having a convenient way to write random ideas to being less distracted, we believe that notebooks can still have a place at any worker’s desk. But let’s take a deeper dive into why notebooks remain our favourite even to this day.


Notebooks Allow Us to Write Quick Ideas

We’ve all been there — coming up with an amazing idea for our work project only to have it disappear the moment we open our management system. As a matter of fact, those things happen all too often, in offices all around the world. Luckily, you can always use your nearby notebook to write down any idea or random thought in a matter of seconds. No longer do you have to wait for your computer to load — simply grab a custom pen and start writing!


Handwriting Is Important for the Brain

Writing by hand is important for our brain’s development and cognition. Why? Because writing forces us to use our hands and fingers to create letters and words. That activates multiple regions of our brain and promotes the creation of new neurological connections.

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Using Notebooks Removes Distractions

Let’s be honest — while computers can make our lives easier, they can also distract us from important tasks. How many times have you forgotten to send an important email because of a meme or a funny cat video? Or when was the last time you checked your Facebook page instead of focusing on a report?

By using a notebook instead of your computer, you reduce the chance of getting distracted. You’ll also increase your productivity as you’ll be able to finish some important tasks much faster than you normally would.


Final Thoughts

Overall, no one can deny that computers are extremely helpful and can make our lives much easier. However, more often than not, they are not as versatile as notebooks and can also prove to be a distraction. As a result, notebooks are still an essential tool that all workers should take advantage of. So why shouldn’t you take advantage of our customised notebooks for your next promotional campaign?

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As always, the team at GoPromotional are here to answer any questions you may have. Contact us to talk through your ideas. Together, we’ll make sure your chosen notebooks fit any event or giveaway you have in mind! You may give a member of our experienced team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. If you’re looking for something different, check out our full catalog of personalised paper products which includes A4 Notepads, notebook & pen sets, and desk calendars. We are sure that you will find what you’re looking for!