When it comes to small business advertising, or any promotional marketing for that matter it is important to understand that your advertising must appeal to a broad spectrum of people. Many advertising experts will tell you that by far the most important group of people that your advertising must appeal to is your target demographic, however, you must realize that they are not the only people you need to think about.

bottled-waterWhile your target demographic are those that you are targeting at a specific point in time and may in fact be those most likely to use your business, product, or service, it is imperative to make sure that while you are targeting a specific group of people that you are not offending or repulsing a different group. Creating appeal to your target while keeping your advertising generic enough to be at the very least somewhat appealing to others is the best way to put your business and your unique message out into the world.

Many don’t realize the importance of approaching business advertising from this standpoint and when designing promotional product campaigns they tend to be very tunnel vision. In business you can not be tunnel vision especially when you put an advertising statement out into the public eye. It is absolutely essential that you in fact think about the many different ways in which that message could be interpreted by someone else. What you may think is a harmless statement may not be to someone else.

Generic messages tend to be much more broadly accepted than those that will stun and while advertising that offers a shock value does exist and have its purpose, most businesses find that this type of advertising can evoke a negative response from the public and make selling even more difficult. If you are looking to use this type of advertising you will want to make sure that you take a good long, hard look at it and have others look it over as well to make sure that it is not going to offend or ostracize a specific group of individuals.

Business advertising is a representation of your business and extreme advertising measures may get your business noticed but not for the better. You need to know that the message you are putting out into the world is one that serves as a good representation and encompasses most of the people who will be viewing it. The broader you make your advertising appeal the more business you will attract for your advertising dollar.