Creating a logo is one of the most difficult challenges that many new business owners face. At first glance it may seem like one of the simplest aspects of running a business but there is a lot to be said for successful advertising techniques and one of the best ways to accomplish this is having an incredible eye catching logo.

keychain When most people hear eye catching they assume that means a complex logo but in fact it is the simplest business logos that actually make the greatest impression and serve as a stand up representation of a business. Even the colours should remain simple. A logo should not contain complexity because this not only is more difficult for the customer to relate to but it also makes it easier for the competition to steal.

Business logos need to be simple and concise to be effective and when you look at the most famous business logos such as those for Nike and McDonalds it is easy to see that complexity is definitely not the key. And when it comes to colours primary colours are key just look the orange colours that represents the Home Depot for instance. Now that is definitely colour that just brings that company to mind even with no logo in sight.

It is the little things that will impress the community and this is why an effective business logo needs to be well planned out. Some business owners are actually creative enough to make their own business logo but most find that it is best to hire a professional to help them create the image that will forever serve as a reminder of their business. The mistake most people make is trying to make the logo relative to their business but again looking back at the two biggest logos they really have nothing to do with the businesses they represent or the products that they sell.

As a business owner, if you don’t have a recommendation of someone in your community who can layout a business logo for you and make it print ready and reproducible then there are many promotional products companies that offer this service as well. If this is a service that you know you are in need of then this should be a primary consideration when you are selecting which promotional products company to order from. Many have their very own art departments and the ones that don’t usually can refer you to someone who can help you create a fabulous logo.