Paper is something that we see less and less of these days. It has many wonderful aspects like the fact that it is recyclable but it also doesn’t tend to last as long which is why using this type of material for your business advertising needs is not advisable.

When you are looking for an item to advertise your business on you will be much better suited with a material that will last a good bit longer and it is for this reason that many companies are moving away from using paper business cards when doing mailings and cold calls and such. When you hand someone a paper business card what can they really do with it?
Sure they can lay it on their desk or stick it on their bulletin board but for the most part it will become an item that will be disposed of before long and will either be written on again or will be thrown out in a mess of other papers.

It is for this reason that most business owners are moving away from handing customers and potential clients a paper business card and are instead using promotional magnets, pens, and key chains that offer the customer the same information about the business and owner in a format that will stick around a while. When handed this information on an item that they can find a use for they will put the item to good use until such time as they need the information it contains and then they will know right where to go to retrieve that information about your business.

No more wondering what you did with that person’s name or business information. Having magnets and pens handed out instead will leave a long lasting impression and will allow your business information to not only touch the person that you gave the item to but to everyone else as they use it day after day. It is a good way to offer people a reminder of your business and to advertise to others as well.

These items are small and light weight and can be slipped into mailing envelopes and shipments much in the same way that you would hand out your business cards. They are low cost items but ones that will offer you a much greater impact for your investment. So skip past those business cards when you are shopping and find a better, longer lasting item to pass out to perspective customers instead.