Reduce Stress in the Workplace With These 5 Promotional Gifts

General stress is a huge part of our lives today, but it seems work-related stress is slowly becoming an even bigger issue. Some may have thought working remotely during the pandemic would help alleviate some of that tension. Alas, many employees actually found it harder to work at home due to so many distractions around them!

Some major factors contributing to workplace stress include heavy workload, long hours, and conflicts with co-workers. Moreover, the pressure most of us feel to get everything done on time is only made worse by a management’s serious lack of skills or insistence on tight deadlines!

Naturally, for a business to work as a well-oiled machine, some pressure is expected, no matter where we work from. What shouldn’t be a part of our everyday life is the overwhelming amount of stress employees feel.

Luckily, there are some ways business owners could help their staff cope better with stress. Once again, promotional gifts are a good option to rely on. In fact, there are five branded gifts every company should consider if they’re eager to alleviate workplace stress!


5 Branded Products That May Ease Workplace Stress

1. Custom Desk Plants

According to a 2019 study, having a green friend on our desk may contribute to lower stress levels. The study, which was published in the HortTechnology journal, examined how and if plants could help reduce anxiety in workers at a Japanese company.

The results showed improvements in the workers’ anxiety levels when they could gaze at and look after the plants on their desks. Thus, this eco-friendly option could actually help your employees reduce some of their work-related stress, alongside making the whole office a bit greener overall!

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2. Printed Stress Balls

Stress balls are still some of the best tools for managing work-related stress, especially if a lack of focus is another contributing factor. Your employees only need to keep squishing the balls to stay focused on the task. This motion, although it seems rather trivial, could allow them to let go of some of the tension.

Better yet, stress balls are rather affordable and small, so they wouldn’t be a huge investment on your part. They come in all kinds of shapes, too! Just take for example GoPromotional‘s House Brick With Holes Stress Toy, House Keyring Stress Toy, or even the Hundred Dollar Bill Stress Toy. They’re all fun-shaped stress toys that can help employees have a bit of enjoyment while releasing their stress.

If you were looking for something cheaper to give away to your staff, stress balls might soon find their way into every corner of your office!

3. Branded Pedometers

The endorphin rush we feel when we are raking up some steps is somewhat hard to achieve at the office. But your employees only need a bit of encouragement to get up from their desks from time to time and move their legs.

Gifting them some branded pedometers would show them that you care about their well-being, including their stress levels. A satisfied employee is a hard-working one, which is what pedometers could help you get. Plus, they would help your staff burn some of the tension, thus keeping them more clear-headed while working and thus likely more productive!

4. Logo Water Bottles

Similarly, water bottles promote wellness by encouraging good habits, such as staying hydrated during the day. They may not directly address anyone’s stress levels. Still, their effect on one’s well-being is outstanding, especially when it comes to fighting dehydration headaches!

5. Custom Notepads

Finally, your staff may also benefit from printed notepads, which can serve as self-exploration and stress-management tools. Encourage your employees to take some time during the day to write down their thoughts and centre themselves. Soon enough, you should see a decrease in their stress levels. If all goes well, that will contribute to happier, calmer employees that enjoy their jobs more and won’t fall victim to burnout anytime soon!

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