Perfect for Remote Work
It’s easy to see how much our lives have changed with COVID-19, especially if you’re in charge of a larger group of employees. Suddenly, working from home has become the new normal, and with that, new problems have arisen.

Your employees might be struggling to focus at home due to the many distractions that inevitably make concentrating on work a bit of a challenge. Those with kids likely have it the hardest. They have to figure out how to not only do their tasks on time but also entertain the kids and ensure they’re provided for.

But even those without children might find it hard to work from home. Before COVID-19, they needn’t have to use their phone or computer for every interaction with their co-workers. Now, those gadgets are essential every day — and yet, they’re a burden given how easily distracting they can be.

The easiest way to make working from home less of a challenge is to minimise distractions and improve focus by creating an office away from the office. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury to do so

There are some good solutions out there, though. If there is no way to confine themselves in a room, they may want to rely on tools that could increase their productivity no matter where they are — such as custom earbuds.

As their employer, you want your staff to not only be happy but stay on top of their tasks. In an effort to help them out, consider investing in branded earbuds they could use at home while working. Here are a few reasons these would be such a brilliant investment.


How Earbuds Could Help Your Staff Be Productive at Home

Alongside Music, They Can Improve Focus

No, we won’t say that earbuds will suddenly make every employee incredibly productive. What they will do, however, is help them deal with surrounding noise more easily, thus allowing them to focus better on their work on a daily basis.

A great way of increasing focus is listening to music while working. The music will keep focus stable and let people pay attention to work more by drowning out noisy environments and intrusive sounds.

The genre depends on the person. Arguably the most popular options, though, are classical pieces by Mozart, Chopin, and the like, as well as ambient music and nature sounds (rainfall, thunderstorms, and similar).

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How Branded Earbuds & Headphones Can Promote Your Brand Through the Power of Music

They Help Set the Right Mood and Attitude

Another thing to keep in mind is that we cannot all be in the best mood for work every day. Before COVID-19, we could get into the right mindset by thinking about the day ahead during the daily commute. Now that work is just a few steps away, we jump straight from our home life into work life.

Earbuds, however, can help us set the right mood. Sending your staff a pair of your branded earbuds would naturally make you seem caring and eager to help them in this transitional period.

Once the staff has their earbuds, there are lots of ways they could use them to get into the right mood for their daily tasks. Some may choose to listen to their favourite tunes for a while or meditative music that inspires calmness and focus. Others may even use the time they have before work to listen to some audiobooks or podcasts that help them hone their skills or otherwise aid personal development.

Whatever it may be, it’s crucial to encourage employees to practise self-care. With your earbuds, they could finally have a few minutes every day to relax their minds and reset their focus.

They Act as “Busy” Signals and Can Ease Frustration

Unless they have a door in every room in the house, your staff may have a hard time letting the rest of the household know that they should be quiet while they work. A good way of signalling their need to focus would be with earbuds.

The mere sight of them should make it apparent that they aren’t interested in anything that doesn’t revolve around work. Your employees don’t even have to play any music or really use the earbuds. They should be a strong enough signal for people to know not to disturb them.

Similarly, earbuds can have a positive impact on confidence and empower your employees to keep pushing on. In a house without a real office or a work zone, it can be difficult to feel professional when necessary.

With earbuds, however, your staff could feel less frustrated. These mighty gadgets would let them escape back into their work life and almost pretend like they are in their old office. In a way, once they put them in, everything else around them becomes just a meaningless background.


Video and Phone Calls Made Easy

In line with our previous point, earbuds can create a work zone that’s almost impervious to distractions. Thus, they can make video and phone calls more successful, which should reflect in the employee’s performance overall.

Since earbuds drown out noises (though they aren’t 100% noise-cancelling), they help keep the focus on the conversation. If there is some sudden noise, the employee won’t get disturbed too much. The earbuds allow them to hear better, even when the rest of the household is making all sorts of sounds.

From a more practical standpoint, earbuds are more useful than sitting with a phone on the ear all day long. By freeing up their hands, earbuds help employees multitask while carrying on with important conversations. For example, they may take notes down a notepad while on a Zoom meeting.  Better still, they can prevent posture issues and neck pain!


Bonus: Earbuds May Encourage Your Staff to Work on Their Physical Health

The current pandemic has made us take a good look at our lives. One major conclusion we’ve drawn is that we need to always work on improving our overall health.

By offering your staff some branded earbuds, you could take that to a new level. You could be the one to encourage them to take care of both their mental and physical health.

Yes, the main idea behind gifting your staff some earbuds is to improve their productivity at home. But if we want to stay on top of our tasks, our lives should be in balance overall.

To encourage well-being among your employees, consider sending prompts and reminders (emails, notes, videos, and more) about the importance of self-care. Try to inspire them to move their bodies and clear their heads whenever they can by:

  • Grabbing the earbuds and going for a quick 15-minute walk or exercise for half an hour to an hour before or after work.
  • Listening to their favourite podcasts and audiobooks in between work calls and tasks.
  • Taking a 5-minute meditation break after working for several hours, handling a challenging phone call, etc.

Essentially, logo printed earbuds and branded headphones won’t only help your staff adjust better to working from home and complete their obligations on time. By giving them such a thoughtful product and even explaining how to use them, you will show that your business cares about its staff and their well-being.

That alone can increase motivation and help your employees continue working hard through these tough times. They will see your act of generosity as a sign that they’re at the right job. In essence, it could urge them further to continue putting in the effort, even when distractions persist.

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Explore our range of branded earbuds now and provide your staff with not only a productivity tool but a product they can use to practice self-care with. Contact us now at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today if you have any questions regarding our selection. Our team will be happy to help you choose and order the perfect pair of earbuds for your faithful employees! You may also check out our full catalogue of printed technology merchandise including webcam covers, charging cables, and speakers.