If you have just opened your business then you have probably considered throwing an open house for your business. But this type of event isn’t just for brand new businesses and it can be used as a business building activity even for established businesses.

pizza partyYou can use an open house event to promote a new product or service or very simply to encourage people to come in and take a look around. For the most part these events are held for businesses owners within your community but they can also be effective to draw in potential customers as well. The great thing about an open house event is that it provides you with an opportunity to teach others about your business and let them get a feel for your business outside of business hours which can create a much more relaxed way for people to come into your business without feeling obligated.

If you are considering hosting one of these events you will want to make sure that you pick up lots of promotional items to pass out and even some to use at the event. You will find promotional balloons create a festive atmosphere and some promotional tumblers look incredible when set out for drinks. Using your logo around on everything from promotional giveaway items to promotional table cloths will help to keep your business as the central focus of the evening.

Depending on the time of day of your open house and the type of business it is you will want to choose appropriate refreshments like desserts, beverages, cocktail snacks, or a complete buffet dinner depending on how long the event will last. You can offer it as a drop in event or create a start time and plan a speech or tour at the beginning of the event. Either way you will want to have some nice looking invitations imprinted for the event and send them out to business associates, you may even want to invite them to bring a friend along with. An RSVP will let you know how many people to anticipate but also be prepared for some who will just drop in unexpectedly.

Open houses are excellent business building opportunities so it is important to take advantage of this and invite in people who will be key to your business in the future. Making contacts and building relationships is an essential part of growing any and all businesses.