Shopping around for promotional products you will quickly find that these items come in a wide variety with items that range from large and extravagant to those that seem to be too small to actually have an impact. The interesting thing is that many businesses owners toss aside the little promotional items for the larger ones very simply because they assume that these items will be better advertising tools and make them seem more professional.

bottled candyThe truth is that there are a variety of smaller items that work really well for helping to promote a business and if you are looking for a larger specific item for a holiday or event that it fine but if you are just looking for something to help show the friendlier side of your business then you may wish to consider purchasing a variety of smaller items and hand them out regularly. While holiday gifts have an incredible impact on your customers so will receiving something just because and you will find that creating this type of fun and giving atmosphere in your business will keep your customers guessing and wondering what they will find when they come into your business.

Promotional sweets for instance are a wonderful little item that can really help to brighten a customer’s day for example printed mints, promotional jelly beans, promotional sweet tubes, promotional chocolate coins or printed sweet pouches. It is a little thing but you will find that printed tins of sweets or chocolate pots brings a smile to their face without even having to say a word. Promotional stress balls are another group of smaller items that are very popular with customers and while you may be tempted to try and break the bank and purchase the most expensive promotional items that you can you will find that in the long run it is the little things that will do more to keep your customers coming back time and time again.

Promotional items can be fun and a way to say thank you for your business whether for an occasion or just because. Businesses that use smaller promotional items all year long find that when their customers come in the door they very simply don’t know what to expect but the anticipation keeps them coming back time and time again and helps with customer retention as well as to provide them with some word of mouth advertising as well.