Is Custom Stationery Still an Effective and Appealing Promo Gift?

In the past, people always had at least a few stationery items on them every day. Most of the time, those items were a notebook (or anything else to write on) and a pen. They would use them to jot down anything important they heard or recalled during the day, ensuring they don’t forget it.

However, with the changing times, these stationery items seem to be fading into history. Nowadays, many people prefer typing their thoughts and reminders into their phones. After all, why would they carry extra items when they can use their smartphones for everything?

But is stationery really becoming obsolete? And can businesses use custom stationery in their promo campaigns at all? Follow along to find out!


Is Stationery Still In?

Despite the power of phones and tablets, statistics show that many people still seek out physical stationery items. This trend is explained by the fact that writing things down via hand usually leads to better memory retention.

Thus, it isn’t too big of a surprise that stationery is still one of the most common promo items that brands invest in. It is useful, practical, and affordable. Moreover, it lets you get really creative design-wise and present your logo and brand in the best way possible.

Here are even more advantages of stationery items in promo campaigns.

Employee Retention

Aside from being great gifts for customers, stationery items can also serve as excellent tokens of appreciation for employees. Most marketing experts agree that employees will be more likely to stay at a particular company if they feel valued and cared for.

In most cases, giving corporate gifts is the easiest way to show you care. Though there are countless options to choose from, you can never go wrong with personalised stationery.

Besides your logo and contact info, you can also brand the stationery with that particular employee’s name or initials. That way, you will make the gift even more special, helping your employee feel more at ease.

So, don’t hesitate to buy some high-quality branded notebooks, pens, sticky notes, and desk calendars for your workers. It’s a win-win situation — your brand awareness will increase, and your employees will feel satisfied.

Increasing Productivity

In a lot of offices in the country, employees spend a big chunk of time hunting down stationery items. They always need more paper, pens, markers, sticky notes, and paper clips.

So, if you want your productivity to be at an all-time high, you have to ensure that these items are never missing. Buy a pack of every item, and distribute some to each department. That way, everyone will have enough materials to work with, and their productivity and morale will increase.

Better Brand Perception

Finally, it is also important to think about your brand’s image. The promo items you customise and give away become your brand ambassadors. Thus, people will form their opinions about your company based on these items.

If you want people to look at you as a serious, reputable, and trustworthy brand, you must give them premium-quality promo items. So, you will have to pay a bit more to buy the highest-quality stationery. Such items won’t break easily and will last a long time, making your brand look good.

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Spice Up Home Offices With Custom Stationery

Contact GoPromotional Now

Do you want to talk about stationery some more? If so, we are here for you. GoPromotional’s selection of stationery items is vast, so you will surely find something that suits your needs.

Give us a call, and our team will happily chat about how you can make stationery a part of your newest promo campaign.

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Contact us at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today for more info, and browse through our vast collection of promo stationery. You may also view our wide range of custom paper merchandise here. Some of them might nudge your imagination in the right direction and help you create stationery that your clients and customers will love at first glance. We are waiting for your call!