The Big Issue FoundationGoPromotional are proud to support one of the UK’s leading charitable organisations, The Big Issue who strive to help those individuals in our society who find themselves homeless and often neglected. This month sees The Big Issue celebrating 21 years of hard work to tackle the problems the homeless face and although they have made massive strides during that period they say their work is not done.

GoPromotional’s financial contribution may only be modest, but we feel that any contribution is welcome and do urge more organisations across the UK to support this worthy charity.The Big Issue help those in our society who have fallen, often through no fault of their own, on hard times and find themselves living on the streets trying to make ends meet. This is why we believe supporting the publication of the weekly magazine provides homeless individuals with the opportunity to make a modest sum of money to buy food and other necessities we all take for granted.

Managing Director Gareth Parkin said:

“As an ethical organisation, GoPromotional feels it should make a contribution to our society and will continue to support such organisations when and where it can in the future”.

Also, The Big Issue has featured GoPromotional in a company overview in this month’s issue, look for us!