You may be thinking oh no not another car wash. Well certainly not. Even if you had a fleet of cars you wouldn’t need your car washed constantly and in case you are wondering why you see so many car washes all around town every weekend it is due to the economy. In the current state of things, schools need more money coming in and this is like the unoriginal fund raising idea. Keeping up with your schools need for money may be difficult especially when you have exhausted so many fund raising ideas in previous months but there are many that you probably haven’t even considered and some of these could be the key to success in your area.

sweatshirtsOne incredible fund raising idea which is a year round idea is a creating a school store. Now even if your school doesn’t have a place to create an entire store you can create a rolling cart or stand with in the cafeteria where students can come to buy stuff at the beginning and end of their day. Some promotional items for schools that work well are promotional pencils, pens, erasers, and printed highlighters and with your school logo imprinted on them you will find that these items can really be hot sellers and can keep those funds coming in for different events throughout the school year. Other items that work well in school stores are small food and sweet items as well as promotional capspromotional sweatshirts, and jackets. School logo wear is a good way to bring in some money and advertise for your school as well.

Another excellent fund raising idea is to sponsor a community event at your school. Some fun ideas are creating a haunted house or community craft fair and then charging admission to this event. In the summer some schools opt for a hoe down or square dance or even a harvest festival. And remember if you are hosting one of these events make sure that you are also selling extra little goodies like promotional wrist bands with your school name and logo or promotional travel mugs, on indeed our top selling durham photo mugs for those who are getting something to drink. This is a great way to build up funds for the future.

Asking the community is also something that many schools don’t do but when you are asking a person to buy a £20 pizza when only £5 are actually going to the school it might just be better to seek out donations from individuals and area businesses and offer them a great promotional gift in exchange for their contribution.