Custom Reusable Coffee Cups - The Best Promo Items for Your Marketing Campaign

In recent years, people have dedicated a lot of time and effort into finding new ways to be eco-friendly. Many of them buy reusable shopping bags, try to reduce plastic use, and save as much water and electricity as possible. Businesses have made an effort to be more eco-friendly as well by offering custom sustainable merchandise as opposed to just their regular promo items.

To that end, a lot of people have started using reusable coffee mugs and tumblers as well. Thus, materials such as bamboo have quickly gained popularity, as many people think they are good for the environment and safe for hot beverages.

However, while reusable coffee mugs indeed are a green choice, not all natural materials are equally suitable for their production. If you want to personalise your own mugs for your brand, read on. We can help you choose the right materials and branding options and ensure your custom reusable coffee cups are equally affordable and eco-friendly.


Is Bamboo Really a Good Choice for Coffee Mugs?

On its own, bamboo is one of the most natural and breathable materials. It is eco-friendly and light, and it can be used to make anything from clothes to bags and baskets.

However, this material is not the safest option for the production of reusable coffee mugs. Namely, experts think that it might leak dangerous chemicals into the beverage when heated up.

Now, using a bamboo mug once will not cause you any harm. However, if you use it repeatedly on a daily basis, the material might become toxic and dangerous for your health.

Moreover, bamboo mugs are not the eco-friendliest option out there, either. For one, they are not entirely biodegradable. Thus, some of their parts will remain in nature long after you throw the mug away, as they cannot be recycled.

Luckily, there are other options that you can consider for your own reusable mugs. These materials are both sustainable and safe, and, best of all, they won’t drain your budget.


1.  Branded Compostable Eco-Friendly Cups

The name of this particular type of mug comes from the fact that it is made from renewable, lower carbon or recycled materials. So, the manufacturer takes old mugs that are no longer in use, recycles them, and makes new models. Then, when those mugs go out of commission, they simply get recycled again, continuing the circle.

As you can see, the material of the mugs can be reused over and over again, which makes it a sustainable choice. Most importantly, it is not toxic when heated, so people can enjoy their hot beverages without fear.

The mugs are also highly customisable. So, you can brand them with your logo and a unique design, ensuring that your customers and employees fall in love with them at first sight.


2.  Personalised Metal Travel Mugs

Some of the best and most popular reusable coffee mugs are metal travel mugs, particularly stainless steel travel mugs. These mugs are designed to keep coffee (or tea!) warm for the most part of the day.

These mugs are a win-win in every way. Personalise them with your brand design to make them more stunning, and your recipients will be sure to love them. In turn, you will receive the brand recognition you so clearly deserve.


3.  Printed Glass Coffee Mugs

As far as eco-friendliness goes, few materials can replace glass. As you probably know, it is entirely recyclable, meaning that it causes no harm to the environment.

Our favourite fact about this material is that you can personalise it however you want. The mugs will last for a long time, and they are incredibly easy to wash and maintain. These facts make them instant favourites with most demographics.


4.  Personalised Ceramic Coffee Mugs

With more and more people working from home every day, the need for reusable travel coffee mugs is slowly diminishing. Thus, you can also invest in a few good old ceramic mugs that your customers and employees will love.

Ceramic is affordable, eco-friendly, and the most easily customisable material on this list. You can personalise it in any way you like and ensure that your brand awareness increases every time someone uses it.

Related content:
25 Interesting Facts About Mugs

Are You Ready to Order Your Mugs?

Now that you know which materials are eco-friendly enough for reusable coffee mugs, it is time to order your own. You can customise them so that they fit into your corporate style perfectly and give them away to your customers and partners. Give us a call, and let’s plan your next promo campaign together!

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Explore our range of engraved drinkware which includes sports water bottles, glassware, barware, and even event cups. In doing so, you can provide your staff with an item they can effectively use to raise your brand awareness. Contact us now at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today if you have any questions regarding our selection. Our team will be happy to help you choose and order the perfect promo drinkware for your faithful employees!