These days so many companies think that the answer to tightening their belts is to eliminate their advertising budget all together. Obviously there are many flaws with this type of thinking. To begin with it is very narrow minded to believe that a business that is already struggling doesn’t need an influx of new customers because it definitely does. Of course, the place that most business owners go wrong is in spending oodles of money paying off marketing specialists who know very little about running or marketing a business. They very simply want you to pay them a lot for some very basic advertising tools and this does not make a marketing manager.

five-bottlesHonestly, most business owners actually find that they not only can save a lot of time but also a lot of money when they stop paying a lot for someone else to market their business and take over the marketing end of things themselves. After all, who is better to market a business then the creator of that business and there are so many great inexpensive ways to market your business.

Community events are great opportunities to get your business recognized and whether you choose to help out with donations to the local food bank or participate in a Safe Halloween event in your community just printing up some really low cost promotional items can do wonders to boost sales in your business and boost your community reputation as well. These events are essential and free to participate in but really can make an impact on your business and for such a small investment.

Coupon flyers also can do wonders for your advertising and with just your office computer and printer you can make some incredible flyers for your business and you can even print them up on bright colored paper to make them stand out. Offering the person an incentive to bring the flyer in like a free item or a discount will not only help to drive them into your business but will also work well to help you track who was referred to your business by a flyer. You can even hire some people in the neighborhood to pass them out or use them for mailings.

There are many inexpensive ways to advertise for your business and you don’t need to be a marketing manager to take your advertising to the next level. So scale back your advertising money and get creative you will probably find that your cheaper promotions have a greater impact than those you were paying twice as much for.