Branded Pens and Notebooks - The Classic Promotional Tandem

When branding, companies think about the best possible products that will reach thousands, even millions of potential customers. Some brands think outside of the box and opt for items like custom reusable straws, beanies, lunch boxes, and even manicure sets. And yet, the majority of brands stick with the classics, such as printed notebooks and pens.

But what’s the reason behind choosing pens and notebooks, though? They don’t require a lot of effort and are nowhere near as creative as some of the promo products out there. Well, in this article, we will go over precisely why these particular items are still just as popular as they were when branded marketing was in its infancy.


Why Choose Notebooks and Pens as Promotional Material?

Lack of Crashing

How many times has it happened? We type something up in our digital reminders on our phones or smart devices, and then the device itself either glitches or crashes. What about all of those times when we were writing a document on our PC and a power outage makes all of that effort go away?

Well, that sort of thing will never happen to a notebook. Sure, we may burn it, tear it, dunk it in water, or smudge it with dirt, but if we take good care of it, the info written in there will remain forever.

Historical Value

Using a pen and paper today is like using a quill and a parchment only a few centuries ago. Despite the digital age slowly taking over every single aspect of our lives, we still love and respect our analogue past. And that very much includes writing on something physical — while using something physical to write that info, of course.

Helps With Memory and Info Retention

There’s a reason people still use terms like ‘to put pen on paper.’ It’s a scientific fact that we’re more likely to remember a piece of information if we physically write it down. That’s why so many people out there continue to buy promo notepads, sticky notes, and notebooks.

A Fashion Statement

Yes, a stylised pen will definitely stand out as a conversation starter. Imagine going to a post office and signing an official document with a splendid, sleek, flawless pen that doesn’t smudge. The same goes for notebooks; the more creative and elaborate the branded item is, the more likely it is to attract attention.

Safety and Security

As we stated earlier, hard drives on computers crash, as do smart devices. So, if we need to remember an important piece of information, we might want to write it down in a notebook that we keep to ourselves. If it’s a tiny notebook-and-pen combo, it’s even better, since we can literally carry it with us in a shirt pocket, away from prying eyes.


It’s a business no-brainer, really. Pens and notebooks, when bought in bulk, cost less than most promotional item options out there. So, as a business, why not save some money when restocking promo products?

Marketing Value

And speaking of savvy business decisions, few items can be as excellent viral marketing tools as pens and notebooks. After all, they are items we use every day, so people are prone to see them and remember the printed information on them.

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Branding Done Well With Notebooks and Pens

As stated, notebooks and pens have both practical and sentimental value to our customers and us. Therefore, as a business, we should definitely include them in our extensive lineup of high-quality promotional items for sale.

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Custom Notebooks — Desktop Branding at Its Finest

Out of fresh ideas? See our new products. If you have any more questions about promotional products, you can contact GoPromotional. You may call us at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. We have been in the business for years and know the ins and outs of the industry better than anyone. Give us a call, and let’s talk about all things promotion!