Boost Your Brand with Corporate Printed Tumblers

Looking for a way to help your business stand out and wow your target audience with some great promotional products? You could go for the classics like branded T-shirts, which ought to provide decent results and allow your business to continue thriving.

If you’re ready to go the extra mile for your audience, though, you want to opt for practical products they can rely on every day. Corporate printed tumblers may be just the thing that helps you expand your customer base and significantly boost your brand recognition and awareness!


Why Custom Tumblers Could Be the Ideal Promos for Your Business

1. They’re Incredibly Practical…

One of the best parts about offering tumblers to your target audience is that you don’t have to worry much about your promos going unused. Some businesses focus too much on giving away fun products, like personalised footballs, branded frisbees, etc. Although these can be incredible gifts, they aren’t likely to be used often. Tumblers, on the other hand, can become a necessity as they resolve one of the most basic human needs — thirst!

2. …And Ideal for Daily Use

Though your business cards may make a few impressions when you give them away, they could get discarded fast or remain hidden in people’s wallets. Tumblers, however, can be a daily companion to any coffee, tea, or water lover.

As soon as they wake up and make their drinks in your tumblers, your artwork will generate another impression. And the longer the products are used, the more impressions you can get!

3. They Create Positive Associations With Your Brand

One of the best ways to acquire and keep fans is to associate your brand with something positive. Many companies, such as Coca-Cola or McDonald’s, have already done it.

When you see a McDonald’s ad, you may get a warm feeling inside you that reminds you of sharing food with family and friends. Similarly, Coca-Cola’s Christmas adverts bring out the holiday spirit in everyone. After all, they associate the brand with a major holiday whose values are closely tied to happiness and family!

You can achieve similar results with your tumblers as they can also stir up positive feelings in your audience. Drinking tea, coffee, or just water is a pleasurable experience for many people. Thus, your tumblers can help you associate your brand with the satisfaction these activities inspire.

But don’t focus on the results too much in the beginning. With products like tumblers, you have to give them some time to work their magic and become daily necessities. You already know that they’re far more likely to be used every day than custom novelty pens, for instance. Slowly but surely, they will infiltrate the recipient’s life and become a close companion that keeps bringing you new impressions every day!

4. They Show You Care About the Environment

Eco-friendly behaviour isn’t something most companies are known for. Yet, those that are, usually enjoy more popularity and can reach more customers who have also realised just how important it is to take care of our environment.

Even if your custom tumblers are the first eco-friendly promo item you have to offer, they still matter. Your audience will recognise your eco-conscious intentions and praise you for them!

In return, you give them a chance to improve their own lifestyles and become more eco-friendly with each drink they have. It’s high time they forgot all about using disposable plastic cups — and you’re the one that could make that happen!

5. They Let You Stand Out Among Your Competitors

One of the amazing things about tumblers is that it’s unlikely every business in your industry will try to offer them at an event. Most companies usually opt for the classics, like custom pens, corporate printed notebooks, and logo bags.

While these can also provide some exquisite results, they have already been seen dozens of times before. It’s your job as a business to try to set yourself apart. Luckily, tumblers are the promos that would help you stick in people’s minds.

6. They Can Be Used by Both the Young and the Old

Unless your target audience consists of toddlers and children who don’t know how to use tumblers, you’re on your way to wowing a large crowd wherever you offer these promos.

Just imagine it! Young folk can use tumblers at schools and universities to stay hydrated (or wide awake!) for longer. Meanwhile, older adults can take them with them to work, the gym, or even on an errand run.

There aren’t many products that cover such a broad age range and thus practically guarantee a surge in brand awareness and recognition. Tumblers do, though, as they make for incredible gifts almost anyone can find a good use for!

7. They Don’t Have to Take Up Much Space

As strange as it might sound to you, many businesses decide on certain promos because they know they can carry all of them to an event and give away as many as possible. Some may see tumblers as too bulky and inconvenient to bring to conventions or trade shows. If that worries you, go for stackable ones. You’d be surprised by how little space they take up!

8. They’re Easy to Customise

Though you may be tempted to opt for other promos, you also have to consider how your logo and any other graphics would look on them. For instance, branded mugs are an incredible option to go for, but they may not always come out looking professional.

One of the advantages of tumblers such as our personalised metal travel mugs is that they’re easy to customise due to the sheer amount of artwork space. If you go for tumblers, you can easily size up your logo to make it more prominent and even add other details to further captivate the audience. There’s enough room to accommodate all your creative ideas!

Printing a large-scale design on T-shirts can get expensive, and besides, you have to pay close attention to the fabric you want to use and the complexity of your artwork. Your tees may look dingy after a wash if you have thin lines in your logo or want to use a thinner font for your motto. Having thin lines on some fabrics doesn’t work as they split or crack easily!

But you don’t have to worry about that if you go for tumblers. As long as you have a good design team on your side, you can print your artwork in as many colours as you want and know that it will stay on. Of course, with their expertise, you can also decide on the right material that would help your design truly shine!

9. They’re Not as Expensive as You May Think

Remember that tumblers are still very much accessible and available at a wide range of prices. Since there are a few materials to choose from, you can easily fit them into your marketing budget and still reap their benefits.

Of course, it all depends on who the audience is and what you’re trying to achieve with your promos. If you are limited with funds, you can always go for inexpensive branded plastic tumblers and order hundreds of them to give out on various occasions. That said, if money is no issue and you want to truly wow prospective clients, metal ones may be exactly what your promotional campaign needs!

10. They Don’t Have a Best-By Date

At some point, your tumblers will stop serving their purpose, but that’s years away and shouldn’t concern you now. What matters more here is to consider if you’d like to keep giving away tumblers in the future as well.

A great thing about these promos is that even if you keep them in storage, they won’t go “bad”. They’ll remain relevant as long as your logo doesn’t change.

This effectively means you could order more now, thus keeping the price per item lower, and saving some of the tumblers for future events. Once an opportunity arises — in a year, five or even ten — you can take them out of storage and give them away again!

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Perfecting Your Tumbler Order

You’ve seen how tumblers can help your business, so you may have already decided to use them for your giveaways. Before ordering, though, consider the following to ensure your tumblers satisfy your needs and look perfect for your target audience.

Take Your Time When Choosing Your Tumblers

As your logo has to match well with the type of tumbler you go for, have a few options to choose from to verify that your favourite one is the best style for your target audience.

Although you can order any tumblers you want, remember to pick the ones that would suit your company’s image. If, for example, you’re more relaxed and often come out with fun promos, cheap plastic tumblers such as our Echo Coloured Thermo Travel Mugs may be ideal. However, avoid them if your business and logo are on the sophisticated side. Going for cheap tumblers, in that case, may harm your business and paint you as a close-fisted company.

Another thing you must keep in mind here is if the logo would print well on the tumbler you’ve chosen. Your supplier can give you some advice about this, so you don’t have to worry about this part too much. You are relying on them for their expertise, after all, and that includes foreseeing any potential printing issues.

Double-Check Your Logo and Design Before Ordering

When we say double-check, we mean that you should reconsider your logo and artwork if there’s any detail you don’t like about it. If you order a bunch of tumblers with a design that just isn’t working for you, you will have wasted both your time and money on products you probably won’t use.

Of course, your logo may have worked well before, but if you’ve been thinking of changing it, now’s the time. You could always simplify it, which is what the best logos usually are. If it’s too simple right now, you may want to add certain details that would make it pop more.

Alternatively, the logo may be fine, but the artwork doesn’t work. There’s no harm in going back to the drawing board! Some businesses have a graphic designer or a whole team on staff, which is great news for them as they can work on the design more efficiently to make sure it’s flawless. But even if you don’t, you can hire freelancers to come up with suitable artwork that would make your tumblers more appealing.

Use the Power of Many to Get the Most Out of Your Order

Finally, remember that the success of your promos is something that would affect the whole business. Because of that, this is not the time to keep all the decisions to yourself. You don’t have to make every single decision about your tumblers on your own. Your closest advisors or even the whole company can take on an active role in this process as well!

Some of the parts you may struggle with include all the details that go into the artwork alongside your logo. You may want to add certain information, like e-mails, phone numbers, and similar, so that anyone can contact you. But are you sure this information won’t change in the future and render the tumblers useless (at least for you)?

With your team involved, though, you can easily spot such issues and agree on the right design together. Better yet, you can shortlist the designs and then ask the whole company to vote on which one is the best for your tumblers. The whole process is a joint effort, after all, so freely rely on others’ opinions to ensure your promos dazzle your audience and win you over some new customers!

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Check out our full collection of corporate printed drinkware which includes printed thermos vacuum flasks, logo water bottles, and personalised crystalware. If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of our experienced team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.