Appeal to the Senses with Printed Air Fresheners

Anyone who is in marketing knows that the secret to a successful promo campaign is building a lasting relationship with your target audience. If you ask us, there is no better way to do that than by giving away promo products that your customers, partners, and employees will use every day.

Though most businesses like to give away branded T-shirts, custom stationery, or printed keychains, these choices are all too predictable. If you really want to shake things up and leave a great and lasting impression, you have to be a little more creative.

Enter printed air fresheners, the marketing industry’s newest superstars.


The Appeal of Branded Air Fresheners

When it comes to free promo items, not many can compare to air fresheners. From their practicality to their affordability, here is why these products make such excellent branded giveaways.

Practical and Useful

The success of promo items is usually measured by their practicality and usefulness. So, no matter how pretty something is, people won’t appreciate it unless they can actually use it in their everyday lives.

Air fresheners check both of these boxes. People like to keep them in their homes, offices, dorm rooms, and even their cars. It is easy to see why, as these products keep the air smelling fresh and pleasant, no matter how many people inhabit it.

Their practicality makes air fresheners a welcome gift to just about any demographic. So, if you need something that will appeal to anyone from students to senior citizens, these products are the way to go.

Highly Visible

Aside from being useful, air fresheners such as our Deluxe Square Air Fresheners are also highly visible. People place them on tables and shelves, mount them on their walls, or keep them on their nightstands or kitchen counters. Hanging fresheners are even better, as they are quite hard to miss in cars, vans, and trucks.

So, if you put your logo on an air freshener, you ensure that your brand will get numerous new impressions every day. That will, in turn, increase your brand awareness exponentially, letting you reach a large number of people.

Low-Cost Items

Branding air fresheners gives you the chance to make a profit and advertise your business without draining your entire budget. Even if you order a whole bulk, you will have enough leftover money to pursue any other promo ventures that you have in mind.

Long Shelf Life

In most cases, brands aren’t able to distribute their promo items all at once. After all, it is difficult to hand out thousands of products in a short time. Thus, it is essential to buy items that have a long shelf life and can be safely stored.

Air fresheners fit into this category perfectly. They come in unique packaging that preserves the aromas, ensuring that you can use the freshener even years after its production.

So, you can safely buy air fresheners in bulk, store them somewhere, and then hand them out whenever you want. Whenever you decide to give them away, they will be just as fresh as when you bought them.

Incredible Versatility

Finally, it is important to mention that air fresheners come in a wide range of aromas. Therefore, you can find a scent that’ll appeal to everyone, making sure that you reach a large number of people. Whether your audience prefers something soothing like lavender or cosy like cinnamon, you will be able to deliver it.


Start Your Promo Campaign Today

If you are convinced that air fresheners can make a great addition to your promo efforts, give GoPromotional a call. Our team will sit down with you and consider your audience and budget. Then, we’ll help you figure out a promo plan that will benefit everyone.

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Explore our range of personalised car products including printed car window signs, branded car sun shades, and custom ice scrapers. In doing so, you can provide your staff and customers a promo item that will remind them of your brand. Contact us now at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today if you have any questions regarding our selection. Our team will be happy to help you choose and order the perfect branded car products for your faithful employees!