Effortless Way to Market Your Brand
Having a good marketing team that comes up with great marketing strategies is essential for every brand. But there are so many different tactics in today’s world that the biggest problem is choosing the right one.

Although advertising on social media is perhaps the most common brand promotion method, it may not be equally effective for every brand. But what are some marketing strategies everyone can employ? One of the best is using corporate printed products. They are practical and can be a supremely effective way of promoting your brand.


Why Is Using Promotional Products a Good Idea?

Using promotional products has been the go-to promotional strategy for several decades now. They are effective for so many reasons — the chief among them being that it’s an effortless way of marketing your brand. Promo items can be especially useful when you are new to the business world and want to introduce your target audience to your brand.

But why are these products so good for marketing purposes? Well, it’s because you can put your logo or your company motto on practical, everyday items that everyone uses. For example, if people find your logo on a customised notebook and then look at a logo calendar with your brand on it and see it on a printed travel mug after that, the chances are they will remember your company’s name.

Additionally, it would help if you put your branding on high-quality items to make the most out of promotional products’ marketing value. That way, people will associate your brand with quality, and they will be more likely to do business with you.

But be careful when giving out inexpensive promos. You still want to make sure people get something of value, something they can really use in their life. Otherwise, they might forget about them, and that’s not what you want.


What’s a Good Place to Give Away Promotional Products?

You can present your promotional products in many ways and at various venues. For example, trade shows could be a perfect place for marketing your brand. But when looking for events to do promotional work at, be sure to choose those related to your field of work. That way, when you give out products with your company logo, people will form an immediate connection between your brand and the services you provide. Naturally, if your company deals with car parts, you won’t be promoting your brand at a food festival.

In addition, it’s always a good idea to try and get a deal to sponsor the event you want to attend or at least get a booth there.

One more thing — you should consider bringing unique products to these venues. Breaking the mould goes a long way with potential new clients and makes you stand out among dozens of similar companies. For instance, giving new or potential clients a pen won’t make a big impression if you are in construction. But if you give them items like branded tape measures, it will increase the chances people will remember your brand.


The Best Inexpensive Promotional Products

You can raise awareness of your brand even when you’re on a budget. There are plenty of options you can choose from that are both affordable and effective for marketing. Here is our list of the best inexpensive promotional products.

1.   Custom Promotional Sunglasses

Custom sunglasses can be great promotional products, especially at outdoor events. People always have room for another pair, and if it’s particularly sunny at the event, they can put them to use immediately. There’s a lot of space on the glasses to put your company name or logo, and you can also create a stunning colorway to make them more appealing to the customers.

2.   Water Bottles and Travel Mugs

Promotional water bottles and customised travel mugs are always a good choice for a giveaway. People use them both at work and outside the office, making it more likely that someone will spot your brand name or logo.

Promotional drinkware can also help you market your brand outside the country. Your customers might take a travel mug on a trip where someone else might see it and get interested in your brand.

3.   Totes and Travel Bags

Printed tote bags and personalised drawstring backpacks are amazing for all kinds of events as they can benefit both you and the recipients. On the one hand, people at the event get a bag to carry the materials they receive. And on the other hand, your brand gets promoted all over the venue.

Just keep in mind that your logo branded bags need to be durable. The stronger the bag, the longer people will use them and promote your brand in the process.

4.   Promotional Pens

Promotional pens are a staple promo item for a reason — although simple, they can be highly effective. Everybody uses pens. You can combine vibrant colours and your logo to create eye-catching pens that will surely help raise your brand awareness. They are cheap to make and distribute, which makes them a perfect choice for your next promotional giveaway.

You may also like: 
Unique Printed Pens to Increase Your Brand Awareness

If you have any more questions about corporate branded items, you can contact GoPromotional. You may call us at 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today. We have been in the business for years and know the ins and outs of the industry better than anyone. Give us a call, and let’s talk about all things promo products!