The current market is very different then it has been in years past and as a result you probably don’t want to continue to use the same old advertising techniques or are finding that they simply don’t have the affect that they used to. You are not alone and adapting to the changing market is key to your success in business. These days it is all about the money and as a result there are different ways in which you can promote your business and help make it more attractive to perspective customers.

couponsRunning sales is a good place to begin. Even a sale of only 10% off can be an enticing factor to the general public and advertising in print media or even television advertising can help to draw more attention to the savings being offered by your shop. The more items that you include in your sale the better so you may even want to consider running a storewide sale for just a few hours to help attract some new business and stimulate sales.

Coupons are an excellent way to draw attention to your business. By using coupons that are good for only a short period of time you can truly monitor the response to your coupons as well and see how effective they are for growing your business. Long term coupons usually work well but tend to provide less of a return then those coupons that need to be used immediately.

Another way to improve business during these down times is through branding. You will want to print up small promotional items to give away for free with your logo on them. You may even want to offer some logo items as rewards for shopping with you. The more ways you can find to bring your business name and logo out into the spotlight the better this will be for your business.

Talk up your business. Talking doesn’t cost you anything but is the best way to get people to notice your business. The more lip service you pay your business the better off you will be down the road. When talking to people consider handing them promotional pens, promotional sticky notes, promotional tote bags, or other unique items as a way for them to contact you in the future.