9 Tips on Being Efficient and Productive with To-Do Lists Using Personalised Paper
When it comes to to-do lists, people’s opinions seem to be quite divided: either they love them or they hate them. As polarizing as they may be, to-do lists can indeed make your life more manageable and easy, especially if you are busy. Writing a list down on printed paper will help you plan out your time, organise your thoughts, and get the most out of each day.

If you are new to making to-do lists or if you are simply not that good at organising and planning, fear not. This article will show you how to make to-do lists work for you using some simple yet effective strategies.


1.  Start Your Day Right

The key to a great to-do list is to start your day bright and early by writing down what you need and want to accomplish that day. It might be best to write down three bigger things and two smaller ones. That way, you’ll have some variety and ensure you get something done for sure.

Remember that it is not absolutely necessary to complete everything you set out to do. You can easily carry some tasks over to the next day and complete them when you have more time and energy or when that task is more of a priority.

Instead of a daily list, you can even create a weekly one. Doing so will help you visualise the time ahead and plan your steps. As long as you don’t overwhelm yourself with too many tasks, you’ll be okay.


2.  Focus on Single Tasks at a Time

After you make your list, choose one task that you want or need to complete first. It should be something bigger, something that would make the day feel like a success. However, you can choose something smaller too if ticking off the tasks will motivate you to do more.

Then, choose two more tasks you would move on to if you complete the first one. The important thing is that you focus on essential tasks and deal with them one at a time. That will help you stay calm and focused as you go through the list.


3.  Putting Things Into Perspective

When you have a lot of things to do and errands to run, it might be hard to see which one is a priority and which ones can wait for a while longer. A to-do list can help you with that.

You may opt to write down your list on custom sticky notes instead of a logo notepad. This way, it will be easier to see. After you write down all your tasks, take a good look at them and see what needs prioritising. Then, you can focus your energy on the  without wasting it and your time on something that isn’t as important at that moment.

The magic of your to-do list is the most obvious here, as it allows you to breathe easier and brings down your stress levels. As you focus on what needs to be done immediately, you can be calm and rest assured that everything else you are not doing can wait until you are finished.


4.  Business To-Do Lists

Many people believe that to-do lists only work on a personal level. However, making lists that involve tasks for an entire team can make your job a lot easier. So, take the time each month to sit down with your colleagues and teammates and plan everything you have to accomplish in the upcoming time.

Doing so will increase everyone’s productivity, reflect well on the business as a whole, and help you stay on top of your tasks at all times. Having shared to-do lists also means that you get to learn from your teammates and improve yourself in every way.


5.  Write Everything Down, No Matter How Small

When they think of little things they need to do throughout the day, people often rely on their brains and memory and don’t write them down. Since the brain cannot hold too many things at once, doing so results in you forgetting things that might have been important.

To avoid that, it is essential that you write down every task that pops into your head, no matter how small it may appear. Your to-do list is always a work in progress, so you can add to it whenever you want. It is there to help you and make your life easier, and you need to let it do so.


6.  Creativity Is Good

Your list doesn’t have to consist of boring errands and tasks only. If you get creative ideas during the day, you can jot them down in the list as well. Writing an idea down will make it more tangible and inspire you to return to it in the future. It will also help your mind refocus on what you need to do at the present moment.


7.  Start Your Day By Ticking Off a Task

Most people start their days by scrolling on social media, reading the news, or checking emails. What would make every day much more productive would be completing a task first thing in the morning.

Put simply, you need to put your to-do list first and start your day right. If you do, you will feel much more accomplished and ready to tackle the rest of the list later on. After finishing off this task, you can do something on your break that would help you relax. It can be checking your socials, texting with friends, or anything else you want to do.


8.  Small Tasks Are Essential

As important as it is to prioritise big tasks, you shouldn’t ignore the small ones. The more time you ignore a task, the more it will nag at you and take up precious mental space. So, if you can complete something, do it sooner rather than later. It is better to take ten minutes to do something than worry about not doing it every day.


9.  Get Some Killer Stationery

A great way to start your to-do list is in a logo branded notebook or printed planner and using brand new logo pens and personalised markers. If those stationery items are also personalised with your name or your company’s logo, the effect will be even better.

If that is what you want, GoPromotional specialises in making custom stationery you’ll love at first glance. Our notebooks and pens will help you make the most out of your to-do list. With them, no task will be left unfinished. Whether you want an inspirational quote or a pretty logo on the cover, you can get it. The sky’s the limit when it comes to personalised stationery, and that is something you should take advantage of.

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If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of our experienced team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.