A couple weeks ago, we featured Feng Shui office concepts  on our blog. Today, we are following up that idea with showcasing how plants can help not only maximise the organisation and chi flow in your office space, but can actually purify toxins from the air and promote a healthier oxygenated indoor environment

UK Feng Shui consultant Sylvia Bennett  explains the benefits of plants in Feng Shui, “Environmental aesthetics greatly affect performance and morale, which is why visual perception is a basic business Feng Shui consulting consideration. Uplifting colour choices, light, textures, natural materials and plants have all been found to create a balanced environment, boost concentration, mood, and vitality. Conversely when a workplace lacks visual stimulation, boredom or restlessness may become an issue. Incidentally, plants have a valuable role in your workplace as they also improve air quality and regulate ambient temperature and humidity.”

Plants are an important element in the Feng Shui world because they can bring balance to the room. They can literally help grow your career by promoting health and efficiency in your work place. Employees who bring plants to decorate their office space are happier and more satisfied with their job and their life in general, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. When it comes to promoting the chi and energy flow in your office, certified Feng Shui practitioner, Michelle Luongoadvises “Keep flowers or a potted plant nearby. Not only can it boost your spirits and bring a touch of the outdoors in, they can also help diffuse the harmful electromagnetic fields around your electronic equipment. “

Bamboo is a popular plant of choice for its low maintenance and because it symbolizes good luck and prosperity. You can choose any of your favourite plants for use in your office with the exception of plants that have sharp edges or points, like a cactus. That is because sharp edges are considered like “poison arrows” in the Feng Shui world and plants should be used to soften sharp edges in corners or desks. Plants can also be used to create a barrier if you are sharing the office space with others or can be placed in a window to prevent positive energy from flowing out of the office.

Before you start thinking that Feng Shui is just some ancient practice filled with superstition, check out the top ten air-purifying plants identified by NASA research to reduce indoor pollution and purify the air around us.