Twitter and Google have officially signed a deal and once again live tweets will be appearing in Google’s search results. This is a good thing for both Google and Twitter and it is also good for marketers and Google’s users. Of course, this gives Twitter extra exposure to those who might use Google but don’t really know what Twitter is about. Google benefits because it can show real time results from Twitter users talking about a certain subject. Displaying tweets also gives Google more real time relevancy. This news is definitely going to be good for businesses that want to take advantage of the extra exposure that tweets will soon have. Google and Twitter didn’t announce exactly when tweets will start showing in the search results, just that it would be in the first half of 2015. So that gives you plenty of time to prepare.

How Can You Take Advantage of the Google and Twitter Pairing?

Here are 5 quick tips on how you can make the most of the reunion between Google search and Twitter.

  1. Post consistently to Twitter; don’t post a lot one day and then nothing for a long period of time. Start your consistency plan now to build your relevancy and following.
  2. Plan out cascading posts to all platforms, but treat each one individually. Do not use automation to automatically post to one platform from another. Each platform has different size and image guidelines.
  3. Speaking of images, use a mix of pictures, video, and infographics to make your Twitter feed more interesting and engaging for the new viewers that might come through from Google’s search.
  4. Plan your tweets ahead and repeat them during peak times. Regularly tweet using the keywords that describe your business or that Google users might search related to your business or industry.
  5. Keep on top of trending topics throughout the day every day and tweet about them if they are relevant to your business, or in a way that it is relevant to your business. Beware not to fall into the pitfalls of possible mistakes in real time social media.

If you require further information or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to give a member of the GoPromotional team a call on 0800 0148 970 or simply email us today.